Capturing X-Data is important
But you need to measure intensity to better predict future behavior. Astute organizations are committed to collecting and analyzing experience data (X-Data) in in order to:
- better understand consumer experiences
- drive timely, empathetic responses that meet consumer needs in-the-moment
- more efficiently and more accurately anticipate their future behavior

Interpreting and categorizing consumer experience through sentiment scales and open feedback channels does provide valuable insight, but can also paint an incomplete and ambiguous picture, while putting undue burden on the consumer.
Morphii provides an interactive feedback experience that captures and quantifies the intensity of qualitative experience types–reducing the lift for consumers while elevating the capacity of AI/ML with more predictive data.
As a matter of fact, capturing intensity improves the accuracy of experience types by at least 60%! Yes. INTENSITY matters.
LOC reached out. Morphii responded.
Callers were the real winners.
Listeners On Call (LOC) is a Listening Platform committed to connecting anyone, anywhere, anytime with someone who shares a related personal experience in a non-clinical and anonymous setting.
Listeners do exactly that…listen. They aren’t there to coach or counsel–only to ensure that Callers feel heard. By facilitating the match between Callers and Listeners, LOC aims to positively impact the disposition of callers, whether they are struggling with isolation, challenging family dynamics or stress, or if they simply need to vent.
LOC partnered with Morphii to measure the impact of their listening service on Callers to find out how they’re doing. The result: 97% of callers experienced improvement.
By the #’s
40% of insights professionals are experimenting with causal analysis models.
Emerging & established methods used by at least 4 in 10 insights and analytics pros divide neatly into two groups: analytics and digital data collection. The analytics methods focus on realizing more value and efficiency from data via analytical approaches and include a new entrant: causal analysis (40% use overall, +10% increase from 2019). Digital data collection methods, on the other hand, are all about using new tools to enable more efficient and agile digital data collection.

Well Said
“Effective and competitive experience design goes way beyond CX and UX. For it to work, experience design needs to focus on constant inspiration, purposeful innovation and meaningful implementation.”
Patricia Houston, MMR Live
Morphii Partner & Advocate
Their PerspeXtive
“The Great Recession (2007 to 2009) was the last period of significant disruption for our industry. Those challenging times resulted in the initial shift to digital data collection, immense price pressures on suppliers and unbridled consumer adoption of mobile and social media platforms.
Those changes have continued to escalate over the last decade. Arguably, we are now in a similar scenario. GRIT data appears to indicate that it is reasonable to expect the dynamics now playing out will have a long-term impact. We will likely be forced to recognize many of these ‘emerging methods’ as the ‘established methods’ as they become the norm.”
Source: Greenbook Research Industry Trends (GRIT) Report, Insights Practice Edition 2020
How Customer Experience Measurement Drove CX Improvements In 2020 Despite COVID
“Brands can only transform the quality of the experiences they deliver in a lasting way if they learn new skills and practice new activities, especially those around CX measurement.”
Harley Manning – Forrester
VP, Research Director
It’s Time to Shift How We Think About Emotion and Journeys
“First, we need to go beyond just equating emotion with delight and create experiences that maintain an optimal ratio of positive to negative emotions to shape memory. Second, we need to understand the emotional makeup of journeys — the baseline, curve, and punch. The baseline is the emotion people arrive with. The curve is the emotional arc of the journey. The punch is the story we tell ourselves (and others), the scripts we write to make sense of the experience we had.”
Joana de Quintanilha – Forrester
VP, Principal Analyst
Emerging Methods in Qualitative Research Technology
“With things that are hard to articulate, the qualitative researcher blends with the behavioral researcher in looking at methods to get at how a person is responding to it even if they can’t recall it to the front of their mind.”
Charlie Rader – Procter & Gamble
Digital Insights Designer
The Wellbeing-Engagement Paradox of 2020
“When managing remote teams during the pandemic, leaders need to capitalize on the advantages of working from home, while actively working to reduce sources of exceptional stress and worry.”
Ben Wigert, Sangeeta Agrawal, Kristin Barry & Elly Maese – Gallup Workplace Management
Contact us to know more about the X-Factor in capturing X-Data, Morphii.